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Superintendent Message
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Hopefully, your child has had a safe and enjoyable Summer. Throughout the upcoming school
year we look forward to our commitment to addressing the academic and social needs of our
students, and improving their educational outcomes. We’ve selected “Looking Forward To
Success” as our theme for this year. Everyone in the district and community should work
collaboratively with the fundamental goal of ensuring the success of our children. The District is
currently in “Comprehensive” status as defined by the New Jersey Department of Education. A
Stakeholder Consultation Group has worked in collaboration with the Department of Education
to develop our District School Plan. It is with this collaborative effort that we look forward to
increased student success this upcoming school year.
The success of our children requires us to focus on both their academic and social development.
Therefore, the Lawnside Board of Education has adopted the following goals developed in the
Annual School Plan as the District Goals for the 2023-2024 school year:
Goal #1- In June, 70% of students will meet their ELA & Math annual growth targets as
measured by the iReady diagnostic assessment.
Goal #2- Decrease chronic absenteeism by 10%.
Goal #3- Effectively communicate with parents and community district information, specifically
the New Attendance Policy.
To maximize your child’s abilities, we ask that you ensure their timely, daily attendance. We ask
that parents have students report to school by 8:30 am daily. Doors to the school will open at
8:00 am daily. The first day for students will be Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Students will
be dismissed at 12:45 pm on Tuesday, September 5th and Wednesday, September 6th. The
first full day of school will be Thursday, September 7th. Student dismissal time is 3:10 p.m.
daily. We ask that parents refrain from picking students up early unless in emergency situations.
The Board will host its Annual Back To School Bonanza on Saturday, August 26, 2023 from
12 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. All are invited to attend!