In-class Resource English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies: Grades 1-8
In an in-class resource program, the student shall be provided modifications to the instructional strategies or testing procedures, or other specialized instruction, to access the general education curriculum in accordance with the student's IEP. The general education teacher shall have primary instructional responsibility for the student in an in-class resource program unless otherwise specified in the student's IEP. An in-class resource program shall be provided in the student's general education class at the same time as the rest of the class. A student receiving an in-class resource program or an in-class program of supplementary instruction shall be included in activities such as group discussion, special projects, field trips, and other regular class activities as deemed appropriate in the student's IEP. N.J. Admin. Code § 6A:14-4.6
The maximum number of students with disabilities that shall receive an in-class resource program shall be eight at the preschool or elementary level, and 10 at the secondary level. The option to increase the group size of an in-class program of supplementary instruction in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:14-4.9 shall be prohibited. N.J. Admin. Code § 6A:14-4.6
Special Class Multiple Disabilities: Grades K-3
A special class program shall serve students who have similar intensive educational, behavioral, and other needs related to their disabilities in accordance with their IEPs. Placement in a special class program shall occur when the IEP team determines that the nature and severity of the student's disability is such that no other school-based program will meet the student's needs. Special class programs shall offer instruction in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards unless the IEP specifies a modified curriculum due to the nature or severity of the student's disability. The general education curriculum and the instructional strategies may be modified based on the student's IEP. Special class programs shall meet the following criteria:
1. Depending on the disabilities of the students assigned to the special class program, the special class teacher shall hold certification as a teacher of students with disabilities, teacher of blind or partially sighted, and/or teacher possessing the appropriate teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing certificate;
2. The age span in special class programs shall not exceed four years in elementary programs, and shall not exceed four years in secondary programs; and
3. A kindergarten shall not be approved as a special class program. N.J. Admin. Code § 6A:14-4.7