Supply List

  •   Kindergarten School Supply

    Welcome to Kindergarten!


    We have lots of wonderful things planned for your child. Throughout the year, there may be additional supplies needed to fit the needs our class, which you will be notified of through the class newsletter. Please make sure your child’s name is

    on all of his/her supplies including jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc.


    2 Box of Crayons (16 or 24 pack)

    2 Folders

    2 Glue Sticks

    2 Elmer Glue bottles

    1 Pack of Dry Erase Markers

    2 Containers of Hand Soap or one extra large hand soap

    2 Boxes of Tissues

    3 Roll of Paper Towels

    2 Box of hand wipes/baby wipes

    1 box of Ziploc bags (any size and any brand)

    1 pencil box

    ! Book Bag


    ! Change of Clothing for accidents/spills/etc.

    (Socks, pants, shirt, and underwear)

    ! Old T-Shirt (To wear while painting)


     Supplies for Home

    Pencils, Glue, Scissors, and Crayons


     Thank you,